I have grown up in the church my entire life and understand
and acknowledge the etiquette rules that it involves. Now, before I start my
rant, please know that I am not, “super churcher” nor am I claiming to be. I love
church, I love Jesus and I believe that you need both to live a happy
life. As a child, I was in every church
program, choir, and activity there was. My mom made sure I knew my books of the
bible and I understood who God was and what church really meant. Well, when you are little, you know that if
you’re not good in church, there are going to be consequences and repercussions
when you get home that you DON’T want to deal with.
However, once you become an adult, you begin to test the lines
against what is allowed in church. Now some things you can get away with,
however, some things are going to get you pushed to the back of the line in
heaven. I mean, we’ve all been there in
some way shape or form of testing the church rules, but some of y’all need to
be kicked out and told not to come back until you learn some manners.
5. Thou shall NOT show up to church in your club clothes.
This is self explanatory. If you were screaming, "TWERK TEAM"
in the club on Saturday in that dress, don’t try to add some Bath and Body Work
body spray to hide the liquor smell then try ushering in it on Sunday. And
since we are on the subject of clothing, stop wearing clothes so tight I can
see your heart beat. This is church, not the strip club. My mother always
told me, "The Sun Shine Rule” which is, “if the sun doesn’t see it neither
should I”. Jesus sees you and I smell
you. Don’t do this.
4. Hooked on Phonics didn’t really work that well for you.
Sorry to hear that.
If reading really isn’t your strongest point in life, that’s
ok. Just stop volunteering to read out loud during Sunday service. No, I’m not
judging. I understand that reading isn’t the easiest thing to do at times but
watching you sound out, “Choir rehearsal is Thursday at 7”and it somehow it
sounds like, “chir hersal is Thirsty at seevem” is painful. Just stick to maybe
only reading at home.
3. Stop asking for seconds during communion
This is a holy time in which we reverence God and what Jesus
did for us. This is not an all you can eat buffet. You do not get to ask the
usher if you can order a sandwich and a large drink since they seem to be
handing out snacks. You also do not get “extra points” if you eat more than one
serving. Stop giving the usher dirty looks when they say that you can only have
one serving. Also stop asking why they don’t have more then bread and juice.
Who raised you? Just know Jesus sees you and is probably judging you.
2. Its Praise and
Worship, NOT American Idol auditions
You are standing up there, the lights are on you, and you are
in the moment. Next thing you know, you’re pushing people out the way to stand
in front to sing in the best voice you can, “Yes, Jesus Loves Me.” You are singing loud and giving it your all
thinking Jesus can clearly tell that he should love you more than the backup
singers you have. Ma’am, if you don’t
take your overzealous behind ten steps back and join the rest of the praise singers... This
is not an American Idol try out. If you
sing the loudest, you do not get to move to round 2. You do not get to move to
the front of the line in heaven. This is Sunday morning service. Calm down quick,
fast, and in a hurry. You will however
get judged by your fellow praise team with dirty looks and the possibility to
get kicked out the group.
Stop making club songs into church songs!
This by far is the most
disrespectful thing you can do and trust and believe Jesus and his crew is
judging you hard core. Matter of fact, you now are being moved to the back of
the line in heaven. We are talking the very end of the line. Just because you added Jesus somewhere in the song
a reason everyone isn’t classified as a gospel artist. That’s because they
don’t make gospel songs. There is no reason that the choir should be singing “I
like big halo’s and I cannot lie, these other brothers can deny; when angels walk in with a little bitty waist and a halo
in your face you get sprung.” We should not be singing 50 Cent’s “Many Men” on
Easter just because it fits with the situation at hand. Ciara’s "Body Party" should not be turned into
a offering song . NO, stop it! You don’t
hear rappers remixing “Jesus loves
me.” That’s because it isn’t a rap song.
So the rule is simple; if you hear it in the club it shouldn’t be in the
SO until we meet again, remember
that it is not ok to turn church into the new club….. Stop it.
LOL, this is so true, especially number 2. I've seen people singing not only in the choir but in the congregation trying to out do each other. Or saying long prayers to try and out do each other.....LOL, I'm like what is going on, isn't this supposed to be the time to worship God. Good post!!!