Sunday, January 26, 2014

Now I'm no Alcoholic...

It's been 5 weeks since my last drink. Funny I sound like I'm having an introduction to an AA meeting, but I'm just coming to terms that I like my liquor.

Now I know it sounds like I'm about to have a drunken confession, but that's not the case. I was raised a "good Christian girl" you go to church and you stay away for bad things like liquor. Well that was all fine and dandy until I had my first drink and my eyes were opened to a whole new world. One drink became 2 which be came 5, and next thing you know your drink wine out if a bottle with a crazy straw. Don't judge me.

So, I'm here to give the 10 signs when you need to put the bottle down:

10: You decide on what functions to go to depending on if there is going to be liquor there or not 
9: You don't know the name of songs but you have memorized the list of the bar drinks at TGI Fridays without even blinking 
8: You stop taking Communion because they don't use real wine
7: You don't know where a library is but you know where every liquor store is in your state
6: You get offended when people question you on your liquor intake
5: You read number 6 and got a little angry
4 You have a collection on empty bottles on your counter and you are proud of it like it's trophies
3: You drink wine out the bottle and feel no shame
2: You drink anything out of the bottle and your ok with it
1: You wake up thinking about happy hour

Now, I'm not judging anyone who fits any of these top 10. Hey, I've been there. No judgment here. So until we meet again, remember you're only an alcoholic if you drink alone.

I came... I saw... I danced... I conquered.